| 教育訓練| 職安訓練課程
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職安訓練課程 Occupational Safety Training

From February 2023 on, the initial applicant has to finish all mandatory training and obtain the Certificate of Completion on Occupational Safety and Health Administration before attending TSRI Occupational Training.The refresher no need to attend online course.Please see the following information.

報名須知 Registration Announcement
  • 請先完成「職業安全衛生數位學習平台」指定課程,並取得時數證明。 (如何取得?)
    Please complete the training on「Occupational Safety and Health Administration」, and get the Certificate of Completion(How to get it?
  • 線上報名TSRI職安實體課程。 (請於報到時,繳交簽名之時數證明影本)
    Register TSRI Occupational Training online.(Please hand in a copy of the Certificate of Completion with signature when checking in TSRI’s course.)

報名資訊 Registration Instruction
Application Date: Please check the instruction on the Registration System.
Registration fees: Free
Training Progress :The initial applicant complete「Occupational Safety and Health Administration」and「TSRI Occupational Training」.
The refresher complete 「TSRI Occupational Training」.
Training Program: General Safety Training、Hazardous Chemicals General Educational Course。

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Be aware that the application has to “sign up after login”, for getting the certification..
TSRI Occupational safety Training
一般安全衛生教育訓練 勞動(實驗)場所安全衛生教育訓練 (1小時)
化學品危害通識課程 勞動(實驗)場所化學品危害教育訓練 (1小時)
Courses offered in English
Occupational Safety Training (1) General Educational Course of Hazardous Chemicals (Episode1)
(2) General Educational Course of Hazardous Chemicals (Episode2)
Occupational Safety Training in Labs (1 hour)
Hazardous Chemicals General Educational Course Common Chemical Hazards in Manufacturing Industry Regulations for the Labeling and Hazard Communication of Hazardous Chemicals in Labs (2 hour)

報名資格 Qualification for Registration
需符合下列任一資格One of the qualifications is required:
A copy of transcript for the TSRI’s full-transferred course (such as semiconductor experiment)
●半抵免課程成績單影本&具有TSRI SM01-1課程合格證書影本
A copy of transcript for the TSRI’s half- transferred course & a copy of TSRI SM01-1 course certificate
●具有TSRI SM01課程與 SM01-1課程合格證書影本
Copies of TSRI SM01 and SM01-1 course certificates
●具有TSRI HF01課程合格證書影本
A copy of TSRI HF01 course certificate
●具有TSRI NM01課程合格證書影本
A copy of TSRI NM01 course certificate

課程代碼 Course Code
  • SM01:TSRI(原NDL)半導體製程技術訓練班
    SM01:TSRI(then-NDL) Semiconductor Process Training course
  • SM01-1:TSRI(原NDL)半導體製程設備見習班
    SM01-1:TSRI(then-NDL) Semiconductor Manufacturing course equipment training workshop
  • NM01:半導體材料分析技術與見習班
    Semiconductor Materials Analysis Techniques and Apprenticeship
  • HF01:高頻量測技術與見習班
    High Frequency Measurement Technology and Apprenticeship
查詢核可抵免課程 Search for a credited course(完全抵免課程/半抵免課程)

注意事項 Notice
  1. 初訓者請務必於實體課程上課前,完成職業安全衛生數位學習平台-指定課程,複訓者免上數位學習平台課程。
    Before attending the in-person course, the initial applicant should complete the compulsory online training on Occupational Safety and Health Administration.The refresher no need to attend online course.
  2. 完成數位學習平台指定課程後列印時數證明,並於空白處親簽,實體課程報到時繳交承辦人留存備查。
    When checking in the in-person course, the applicant should bring a transcript of the Certification of Completion with the applicant’s signature in the blank space after attending the online training on Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
  3. 請上課當天繳交一吋個人大頭照至客服中心以辦理職安識別證,憑證方可進入實驗室進行後續設備考核及設備自行操作。設備訓練及磁卡領取,請參閱「自行操作流程與辦法」網頁說明。
    Please submit one-inch head shot to the customer service center on the training day. Details of the equipment training and access card application, please refer to the instructions on the Web page of "Self-operation procedure and method".
  4. 大陸籍、香港、澳門地區人民,請依「大陸地區人民進入臺灣地區許可辦法」辦理。若有疑問,請洽詢對外服務窗口:賴小姐(分機7637)
    Those who are from Mainland China, Hong Kong or Macao need to contact Ms. Lai at 03-5773693 (ext.7637) before applying for TSRI services.
  5. 職安複訓課程於每年11月底開班,僅供已領取磁卡且今年度尚未上過職安課程之學員報名。
    The occupational safety retraining course is held at the end of November every year, and is available only to those who have the access cards but have not yet taken occupational safety courses in the current year.
  6. 2023年起「SM02前瞻CMOS半導體材料暨記憶體整合技術」不列入必修課程。
    From 2023 on, "SM02 CMOS Semiconductor Material Screen Memory Integration Technology" will not be listed as a compulsory course.

聯絡窗口 Contacts
新竹區(Hsinchu):賴小姐 Ms. Lai  03-5773693 ext.7637 
新竹市科學園區展業一路26號。No. 26, Development Business 1st Road, Science Park, Hsinchu.

台南區(Tainan):周小姐 Ms. Zhou 06-2090160 ext.6632  
台南市北區小東路25號成功大學力行校區。Lixing Campus, National Cheng Kung University, No. 25, Xiaodong Road, North District, Tainan.